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Energy efficient switchable sheet with seasonal shading effect [ PDF:263KB ] - The sheet automatically blocks sunlight in summer although it is always transparent to viewers inside. -
High-access survey robot [ PDF:256KB ] - Working at TEPCO Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station -
Polycrystalline germanium junctionless FET for stacking CMOS [ PDF:256KB ] - Practical transfer characteristics have been obtained. -
Anti-inflammatory mechanisms characteristic of lactic acid bacteria [ PDF:524KB ] - Double-stranded RNA in LAB triggers production of protective interferon-β -
Complex endosymbiotic system of mealybugs [ PDF:524KB ] - Impact on biological concepts such as genome, cell and individual -
Elucidation of brain mechanisms underlying sensory awareness [ PDF:331KB ] - Neural activities for "I've got it" in the pulvinar -
Auditory orientation training system for the people with visual impairment [ PDF:331KB ] - Orientation and mobility training using sounds as clues can be performed with a laptop PC -
High-purity, chloride-free epoxy resin [ PDF:225KB ] - Applicable to conductive adhesive achieving super high performance -
Suppression of potential-induced degradation in crystalline Si photovoltaic modules [ PDF:225KB ] - Introduction of a TiO2-based thin film by coating on the glass substrate -
Efficient synthesis of pharmaceutical intermediates by using carbon dioxide [ PDF:297KB ] - Expectation for eco-friendly manufacturing methods of chemicals -
Carbon Nanotube-Copper (CNT-Cu) Composite with a 100-times Higher Current-carrying-capacity than That of Copper - A breakthrough in wiring materials for miniaturized and high-performance devices -
Proposal of a New X-ray Non-destructive Inspection Method for Industrial Use - Previously undetectable defects can now be photographed using X-ray Talbot interferometry -
Mass Production Technology for Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes - Returns the fruits of AIST’s research in nanotechnology to society -
Development of High-performance Lead-free Piezoelectric Ceramic - Expected to enable practical safe piezoelectric sensors without harmful lead -
Development of Quick and Precise Measurement Technique for Evaluation of Fracture Resistance of Ceramics - Reproducible crack length measurement for the indentation fracture method by visualizing the tips of the cracks -
Development of Particle Size Control Technology for Titanium Oxide (HTO) Negative-electrode Material - Achievement of higher capacity through particle size control -
Synthesiology - English edition Vol.6 No.4 2014
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Discovery of Glycosyltransferase-like Gene that Causes Asthenozoospermia - Essential gene related to spermatogenesis -
Simulation of the Theoretical Limit of the Photoelectric Conversion Efficiency of Organic Solar Cells - Guides for increasing the efficiency of organic solar cells -
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