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Imaging Technique for Performance Distribution of Organic Transistor Arrays – Practical application of printed electronics will be accelerated. –
Maintenance of the AIST official website.
Scheduled shutdowns in the summer of 2015 aiming at power savings at AIST
Development of an Efficient Method for Producing Oxidizing Agents and Hydrogen Using Photoelectrodes – A step towards the production of high-value-added chemicals using sunlight –
Uncovering the Mechanism of Photoluminescence Stabilization in Semiconductor Nanoparticles – Aiming at establishment of technologies based on observation of individual bio-molecules for developing medicines and diagnosing diseases –
Fabrication of Carbon Nanotube Transparent Conductive Film with Long-Term Stability – Near-practical-level long-term stability and conductivity –
Development of Highly Elastic Conductive Wires for Greatly Enhancing the Durability of Wearable Devices –Realizes application in highly elastic pressure sensor sheets that fit the body –
Demonstration of Enhanced Performance and Long-term Reliability of Tunnel Transistors Operating under Ultra-low Voltage – Expectations for applications in large-scale sensor networks –
Achievement of ideal organic-solar-cell architecture [ PDF:336KB ] - Improvement of photo conversion efficiency by controlling crystal structure -
Compact, lightweight pulsed X-ray source for non-destructive inspection [ PDF:273KB ] - Obtaining X-ray images in narrow places such as parallel pipes in a chemical plant -
Room temperature metal bonding in atmospheric air [ PDF:273KB ] - Expectations for reduction of apparatus cost and improvement of manufacturing efficiency -
Organic semiconductor nanoparticles with several-nanometer thickness [ PDF:195KB ] - Continuous-flow production of nanoparticles for thin-film devices using a micromixer -
Reduction technique in amount of platinum used for diesel oxidation catalyst [ PDF:195KB ] - Preparation technique of precious metal nano-particle catalyst suitable for mass production -
Extrusion process for long-fine Mg alloy tube with high dimension accuracy [ PDF:257KB ] - Enables the development of biodegradable Mg-based stent -
High-output heater to heat molten aluminum [ PDF:257KB ] - Heater output quintupled by high-density packing of high thermal conductivity ceramic filler -
A novel switchable mirror with visible transmittance of over 70 % in the transparent state [ PDF:2.8MB ] - Annual cooling and heating load in buildings can be reduced using this mirror as window panes. -
New technology for ultra-low power magnetic information writing [ PDF:2.8MB ] - First demonstration of radio-frequency-voltage-assisted magnetization switching -
Detection of water leakage from water pipes using a learning-type sound anomaly analysis technology [ PDF:162KB ] - Reduces labor required for water leakage inspection by skilled workers to one-fifth -
Amino acids as a potential biomarker of sleep-wake disorders [ PDF:162KB ] - Plasma free amino acids profiles in a model mouse of sleep-wake disorders -
Effectively synthesizing a key raw material of the silicon chemical industry [ PDF:336KB ] - A one step synthesis of tetraalkoxysilane from silica and alcohol -
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