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Development of highly sensitive spin torque diode [ PDF:195KB ] - Accelerating the applications of spintronics devices to IC tags or car radars -
Development of high-density capacitor embedded interposer [ PDF:195KB ] - It contributes to realizing miniaturization and reducing power consumption of a high performance electronic information device. -
Simple and accurate liver fibrosis measurement system with a glyco-diagnostic agent [ PDF:260KB ] - Evaluating the degree of liver fibrosis in patients with chronic hepatitis B/C using a fully automated immunochemistry analyzer. -
Powder raw material for SiC bulk single crystal growth developed to realize high sublimation rate [ PDF:260KB ] - Possible to significantly improve the growth rate to about twice the current rate -
Artificially designed and created luciferase [ PDF:224KB ] - Approximately 100 times brighter than existing world-bests -
High-output Heater to Heat Molten Aluminum - Heater output quintupled by high-density packing of high-thermal-conductivity ceramic filler -
Effectively Synthesizing a Key Raw Material of the Silicon Chemical Industry from Silica, a Primary Constituent of Sand - A new path to the energy-efficient, low-cost manufacture of organic silicon raw materials -
Switchable Mirror with Visible Transmittance of over 70 % in the Transparent State - Satisfies conditions required for application in automobile windshields -
Synthesiology - English edition Vol.7 No.1 2014
Unraveling a key of high-performance of diamond devices [ PDF:315KB ] - An important role of atomic-scale structure at diamond surfaces -
Surface smoothing process for room temperature wafer bonding [ PDF:315KB ] - Reduction of local strain at the bonded interface -
Die molded rubber with nanometer-level precision [ PDF:296KB ] - Arbitrary shapes can be formed on rubber surfaces through the addition of carbon nanotubes -
Drastic improvement in thermal stability of transparent oil-repellent coating [ PDF:296KB ] - Surface treatment without the use of fluorinated organic compounds -
Simulation technology for microdroplet shapes on substrates [ PDF:759KB ] - Rapid, precise, and easy simulation of microdroplet shapes on hydrophilic/hydrophobic patterned surfaces -
Highly-efficient voltage control of magnetic anisotropy [ PDF:759KB ] - Development of a fundamental technology for voltage-driven spintronic devices -
Software development kit ‘SCCToolKit’ for medical applications [ PDF:319KB ] - For quick transition of IT seeds to clinical applications -
Lifetime elongation of cells by fish antifreeze protein [ PDF:319KB ] - Insulinoma cells can live for 5 days at 4 °C -
Novel statistical methods for discovery from big data [ PDF:189KB ] - Wide applicability in all experimental life sciences -
Database of sensory characteristics of older persons and persons with disabilities [ PDF:189KB ] - Graphical presentation of the data according to search criteria entered -
Low Vf and highly reliable 16 kV ultrahigh voltage SiC flip-type n-channel implantation and epitaxial IGBT [ PDF:362KB ] - Effective use of electricity, promotion of saving energy -
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