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AIST and Intel Strengthen Collaboration for the Industrialization of Silicon Quantum Computers through MOU Signing
Succeeded in Synthesizing Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Directly from CO2 —Developed catalyst and process for LPG synthesis—
Material Evaluation Technology to Support Large-Scale Quantum Computing —Accuracy determination of material parameters essential for the development of cryogenic radio-frequency components in the range from cryogenic to room temperature—
Achieving the World's Highest Level of Accuracy in Sphere Diameter Measurement —Enhancing free-form lens shape measurement accuracy by one order of magnitude—
AIST and Bluefors Sign MOU for Development of Next-Generation Dilution Refrigerator Technology
AIST and IQM Sign MoU to Improve Superconducting Quantum Technology in Japan
Identifying the Origin of Long-period Electrical Instability in Silicon Qubit Devices —Progress in developing qubit manufacturing technology toward stable operation of quantum computers—
Creation of a Novel Bio-based Adhesive Using Euglena-derived Materials to Bond Automotive Structural Components —Facilitating the recycling of end-of-life auto parts through heat-triggered disassembly—
You Don't Have to Eat Margarine to Know its Texture! —Development of analytical technology to quantitatively evaluate the microstructure of margarine, such as the emulsification state, which determines the texture of margarine—
High-precision Calibration of the Surface Profile of Reference Spherical Lenses —Contributing to the development of high-precision optical elements and advanced product quality control—
Subsurface Microorganisms Disguise the Origin of Natural Gas!? ―New discovery prompting origin review changes future of natural gas deposit exploration―
Mold Made from the Compound Eye of a Dragonfly – Development of fine mold forming technology capable of duplicating nanostructures of biomaterials –
Dynamics of Structural Transformation for Liquid Crystalline Blue Phases
Development of Photo-Absorber Layer as a Promising Top Cell for Tandem-Type Solar Cells – Indium-free CIS-type thin film solar cells set new record-breaking efficiency –
Promoting cooperation in a wide range of technological fields through the conclusion of a comprehensive MOU with Netherlands Organisation for Applied Scientific Research (TNO)
Formic Acid, a High-pressure Hydrogen Source, Reproduced from Carbon Dioxide – Direct synthesis from recovered carbon dioxide and hydrogen –
First Appointment to Senior Principal Researcher —Career path for top scientists—
Reinforcing collaboration for industrialization of quantum technology through MOU between AIST and QuEra
Development of Long-life Miniature Oxygen Sensor – New electrode without metal leakage avoids degradation of sensor performance –
Indicators for Early Detection of Cardiovascular Disease Risk – Simultaneous measurement of brachial pulse waveform and heart sound for easy measurement –
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