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Possibility of Structural Control of Layered Materials by Infrared Laser Irradiation – Elucidating mechanisms of inter-layer attraction induced by a lattice vibration using numerical simulations –
Synthesiology - English edition Vol.7 No.4 2015
Changes of Brain Activity that Occur to Take Over Motor Functions Lost due to Brain Lesion - Discoveries leading to development of novel rehabilitation strategies -
Surface Processing Technology to Prevent Adhesion – Suppression of viscous liquid adhesion and reduction in ice adhesion –
AIST Stories No.3 – From AIST to the Innovative World –
Development of an Image Sensor for an Infrared Color Night-vision Camera – Color night-vision imaging with a palm-sized camera –
Greatly Improving Polycrystalline Germanium Transistor Properties - Contributing to the realization of stacked 3D integrated circuits -
Measurement of the Detailed Electronic Structure of an Electrode When Charging and Discharging a Lithium-Ion Battery - Using soft X-ray emission spectroscopy to reveal the behavior of electrons associated with charging and discharging -
Development of a Method for Generating Noble Metal–Oxide Heterojunction Nanoparticles – Promising enhanced functionalities of nanoparticles –
Synthesiology - English edition Vol.7 No.3 2014
Rapid extraction of radiocesium dissolved in water [ PDF:321KB ] - Nonwoven fabric cartridge filters impregnated with potassium zinc ferrocyanide -
Fundamental measurement technology to support quantum communication and precise optical measurement [ PDF:321KB ] - Direct observation of ultra-broadband squeezed light with photon number resolving detector -
Development of ultra-compact fluorescence detection module for microfluidic biochemical diagnosis [ PDF:189KB ] - Key technology enabling rapid near patient diagnosis at home or bedside -
Development of quick and precise measurement technique for evaluation of fracture resistance of ceramics [ PDF:189KB ] - Reproducible crack length measurement for the indentation fracture method by visualizing the tips of the cracks -
200 mm wafer process for piezoelectric MEMS devicess [ PDF:265KB ] - Practical level piezoelectric constant (-d31>105 pm/V) achieved by pulse poling -
Selective synthesis of semiconductor-type single-walled carbon nanotubes [ PDF:265KB ] - High selectivity (98 %) achieved -
Micro-patternable CNT-Cu composite material [ PDF:262KB ] - High current density tolerance of such CNT-Cu composite wiring, enabling applications in microelectronics -
Development of highly stable spin torque oscillators [ PDF:262KB ] - Nanometer-scale microwave generator capable of implementing in LSI or wireless communication device -
Development of high-performance lead-free piezoelectric ceramic [ PDF:494KB ] - A step toward the practical use of lead-free piezoelectric sensors -
Testing the safety of transplanting cells using cell culture supernatants [ PDF:494KB ] - Improve the safety of regenerative medicine -
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