AIST has been holding workshops with major collaborating institutes facilitating substantial discussions among the participating researchers. The following are some examples, and a list of workshops that were held over the last few years.
AIST-ITRI Joint Symposium 2023
November 15th, 2023
On November 15, 2023, a joint symposium between AIST, and the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan (AIST-ITRI Joint Symposium 2023) was held at AIST Tokyo Waterfront. Around 60 participants attended the symposium from both institutes; these included, from AIST, Mr. ISHIMURA Kazuhiko, President and CEO, Dr. TSUNETO Akira, Vice-President, Dr. USUDA Takashi, Executive Officer, and Mr. OSAKA Seiji, President and CEO of AIST Solutions, and from ITRI, Dr. Edwin Liu, President, Dr. Jwu-Sheng Hu, Executive Vice President, and Ms. June Lin, Vice President and CMO.
In his opening remarks, Mr. ISHIMURA congratulated ITRI on the celebration this year of its 50th anniversary, and expressed his delight that this joint symposium was held in person for the first time in 4 years. He further alluded to AIST’s launch of AIST Solutions Co. , and gave voice to his hopes for close collaboration between AIST and ITRI on social implementation.
Keynote speeches by Dr. USUDA, Dr. Hou-Peng Wan, Deputy General Director of the Green Energy and Environment Research Laboratories, ITRI, and Mr. OSAKA, presentations concerning the collaborative achievements of AIST and ITRI to date, and the subsequent lab tours, were followed by technical sessions on 3 key collaborative areas, which elicited lively discussions.
Moreover, there were additional lab tours on the following day at both the Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA), and AIST Tsukuba Center.
ITRI-AIST Joint Symposium 2021
November 2nd, 2021
On November 2nd, 2021, the ITRI-AIST Joint Symposium 2021, hosted by the Industrial Technology Research Institute (ITRI) of Taiwan, was held by linking the two institutes online. Over 270 people attended both remotely and on-site, including from AIST: Mr. ISHIMURA Kazuhiko, President, Executive Officers
Dr. SEKIGUCHI Satoshi, Dr. USUDA Takashi and Dr. WATARI Koji, together with researchers and staffs; and from ITRI: Dr. Edwin Liu, President, Dr. Pei-Zen Chang, Executive Vice President, Mr. Stephen Su, Vice President and General Director of the Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center,
Dr. Ma-Tien Yang, Representative of ITRI Japan Office, as well as researchers and staffs.
In his opening remarks, Mr. Ishimura noted that, since concluding a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2005, AIST and ITRI have deepened collaborative relations and produced results in a wide range of fields. Mr. Ishimura also highlighted ITRI as an important partner in solving various social problems facing the world, such as global warming, frequent natural disasters, and pandemics. The opening remarks were followed by keynote speeches on ITRI's technology development strategy including venture development, and AIST's research strategy for the 5th Medium-To-Long Term Plan. Subsequent to the keynote speeches were presentations on the research collaboration achievements by the two institutes, and three technical sessions aimed at cultivating new collaborations.
In addition, an online lab tour by ITRI was held on November 4th, wherein ITRI's research activities and facilities were introduced, and there were lively discussions between ITRI researchers and participants from AIST.
Participation in the 9th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders
October 3rd, 2020
The 9th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders was held on October 3rd, 2020, to coincide with the 17th annual STS (Science and Technology in Society) Forum.
Participants from AIST (National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology) included
Mr. ISHIMURA Kazuhiko, President, and Dr. SEKIGUCHI Satoshi, Vice-President. The summit, which has traditionally taken place at the International Conference Center in Kyoto, Japan, was held online this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
26 research institutes from 17 countries/regions took part in this year’s summit, whose theme was, “Multilateral Collaboration During the COVID-19 Pandemic.” In his opening speech, Mr. Ishimura highlighted the need for institutes to cooperate with one another, and to take the initiative to create new innovation for effective measures against COVID-19. In addition to sharing the effects COVID-19 has had on their respective institutes, the representatives mutually recognized that, in order to move forward in these unprecedented times, we must demonstrate to society the transparency of our research activities, and earn the trust of society through said activities. The participants agreed to summarize these conclusions in a joint statement.
AIST-ITRI Joint Symposium 2019
November 8th, 2019
The 7th joint symposium between AIST and the Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan (ITRI) was held at AIST Tsukuba Center on November 8th, 2019. Participants from AIST included Dr. CHUBACHI (President), Dr. MIKI (Senior Vice-President, Dr. SEKIGUCHI (Vice-President), Dr. MURAYAMA (Vice-President), researchers and staff, while the ITRI contingent was led by Dr. Edwin Liu (President) and Dr. Jia-Ruey Duann (Senior Vice President). In total, 69 people attended the symposium.
In his opening remarks, Dr. CHUBACHI highlighted the fact that AIST and ITRI have been important partners since concluding a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) in 2005 to realize a sustainable society. Dr. CHUBACHI also expressed his hopes that, in addition to presentations on ITRI’s research strategies, and AIST’s collaboration with companies and joint research activities, this symposium, with technical sessions aimed at fostering new collaborations, will lead to new activities utilizing the strong collaborative infrastructure of ITRI and AIST
Previously, on November 7th, Dr. Liu had visited the Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA). In light of shared awareness between Taiwan and Japan when it comes to natural disasters such as earthquakes and typhoons, the President of ITRI showed significant interest in FREA’s research activities and management.
Research and Development 20 for clean energy technologies (RD20) conference
October 11th, 2019
The first international conference on Research and Development 20 for clean energy technologies (RD20) was held at Hotel New Otani in Tokyo on Friday, October 11th, 2019. Hosted by AIST, the conference brought together leaders of major energy and environment research institutes from G20 countries.
First initiated by Japanese Prime Minister ABE in his declaration during the G20 summit this year, RD20 is a platform for the world’s top researchers to come together and, through collective wisdom, find a way to resolve the global climate change issues.
With Dr. CHUBACHI, President of AIST, as chairman, the conference included keynote speeches by leaders from the ICEF organizers, Toyota Motors, Tokyo University of Science, and the Carbon Recycle Fund. There were also presentations by research institutes of G20 countries on the current status of clean energy technology R&D, and technology development and future vision for hydrogen and CCUS.
Participation in the 8th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders and the STS Forum
October 5th-8th, 2019
From October 5th-8th, 2019, the 8thGlobal Summit of Research Institute Leaders (RIL), and the 16th Annual Meeting of the Science and Technology in Society (STS) Forum were held consecutively at Kyoto International Conference Center. Dr. CHUBACHI Ryoji, President, Dr. SEKIGUCHI Satoshi, Vice-President, and others attended from AIST.
23 institutes from 12 countries took part in this year’s RIL summit, whose theme was: “Exploring Avenues for Multilateral Cooperation: Instruments and Mechanisms.” In his opening remarks, Dr. Chubachi spoke of the importance for each country’s national research institutes to work together and lead innovation, in order to realize a sustainable society. There were discussions and information exchange throughout the summit concerning the barriers that hinder the promotion of multinational collaboration, and efforts undertaking with governments and funding agencies to facilitate a smooth collaboration. These discussions etc. were summarized in a written statement at the conclusion of the summit.
1,400 attendees from 80 national and regional public institutions, companies, and universities attended the STS Forum Annual Meeting. Representatives from Japan included Prime Minister ABE Shinzo. Dr. Chubachi was a speaker in the “Collaboration among Academia, Industries and Government” session. There, he highlighted the need to create social value along with economic value and strike a balance between the two to realize a sustainable society. To do so, he said, national research institutes, universities and industries should work together with their respective roles clearly defined, and that collaborating with the financial community, as well as winning the understanding of society, are necessary driving forces. The session served as a platform for lively discussions on effective ways of collaboration among industry, academia and government.
AIST-NRC Workshop
June 25th and 26th, 2019
On June 25th and 26th, 2019, AIST conducted a joint workshop with the National Research Council Canada (NRC) in Montreal and Ottawa over a two-day period.
This workshop was a follow-up to the one held at AIST Tsukuba last January. In addition to the research topics addressed in the previous workshop, there was much exchange of information in the newly included areas of IoT, materials chemistry, and energy and environment. A total of 34 researchers and other personnel from both institutes participated in the workshop, where there were discussions concerning future collaboration as well as an interorganizational agreement.
In the wrap-up session, having ascertained that there are many research themes common to the research departments of both institutions, and given the importance of promoting future research collaborations, it was agreed that NRC and AIST will work toward the conclusion of a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding.
In addition, per NRC’s request, a keynote speech on the development of the PARO therapeutic robot was given by its inventor, Dr. Takanori Shibata, Chief Senior Researcher, AIST.
Joint Workshop with the National Research Council Canada (NRC)
January 28th, 2019
On January 28th, 2019, a joint workshop with the National Research Council Canada (NRC), Canada’s science and industry research institute, was held at AIST Tsukuba Central.
In addition to overview presentations regarding each of the relevant research activities, the workshop was the basis for discussion exploring potential areas of collaboration and possibilities for same. A total of 33 researchers and others participated from both institutes in a workshop which consisted of 11 working sessions based on a wide range of expertise, beginning with Electronics and Manufacturing.
NRC is central to Canada’s scientific research, collaborating with private research institutes, companies and universities, and conducts research mainly in the fields of biotechnology, information technology, aerospace, architecture, and oceanic technology.
At its conclusion, both sides expressed hopes that this workshop would be contributory to generating new collaborative themes, as well as the continuation of existing collaborations. The next joint workshop is slated to take place in Ottawa, Canada in June, 2019. We will continue to promote researcher interactions toward maintaining close collaborative relations.
AIST-ITRI Workshop
December 18th - 21st, 2018
The joint workshop between the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) and the Industrial Technology Research Institute of Taiwan (ITRI), was held at ITRI Headquarters from December 18th to 21st, 2018. The 13 participants from AIST included Dr. Koji Watari and Dr. Natsuko Sakai, Director-General and Deputy Director-General, respectively, of the Innovation Promotion Headquarters, as well as Innovation Coordinators and researchers, while the 31 participants from ITRI were led by Dr. Jia-Ruey Duann, Senior Vice President, Mr. Stephen Su, Vice-President and General Director of the Industry, Science and Technology International Strategy Center (ISTI), and Dr. Ma-Tien Yang, Deputy General Director of ISTI.
The workshop was divided into 11 groups centered mainly around electronics and manufacturing. Its venues included the ITRI headquarters in Hsinchu, as well as Taichung, home to some of the relevant research facilities, with additional participation from Tsukuba via video conference.
Moreover, those from AIST who attended included Innovation Coordinators who serve as front-runners in AIST’s mission to bridge basic research and industrialization. The workshop was therefore especially rich in content with Startups as one of the discussion topics.
The collaboration spaces established at AIST and ITRI in August and October of 2018, allow researchers from both institutions to be in close communication with one another. It is anticipated that this workshop will serve to further accelerate collaborations between AIST and ITRI.
Participation in the 7th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders and the STS Forum
October 6th - 9th, 2018
Dr. Ryoji Chubachi and Dr. Satoshi Sekiguchi, President and Vice-President of AIST, respectively, participated in the 7th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders (RIL) and the 15th annual meeting of the Science and Technology in Society (Kyoto International Conference Center) Forum, which were held consecutively from October 6th through 9th at Kyoto International Conference Center.
Leaders from 22 research institutes in 11 countries participated in this year’s RIL Summit, whose theme was “Science Interacting with Society: Tasks for Global Research Institutes.” In his remarks at the start of the Summit, Dr. Chubachi spoke of society’s expectations toward scientists and their efforts to establish a sustainable society. Key areas of discussion throughout the Summit, whose conclusions were summarized in a statement of recommendations, included the need for co-creation amongst national research institutes, universities and industries, the importance of research based on the needs of society, and the importance of communicating with society which includes both the public and governments.
Over a thousand (1,000) persons from public institutions, companies and universities of around a hundred (100) countries/regions attended this year’s annual meeting of the STS forum. Attendees from Japan included Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Mr. Hiroshige Seko, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Mr. Hiroaki Nakanishi, Chairman of Keidanren. As a speaker in the “Engineering and Innovation” session, Dr. Chubachi touched on the growth brought about by the developments in science, as well as the negative consequences of same, and ultimately highlighted the need not only for researchers, but all stakeholders, i.e., industries, governments, and the public, to work together to develop and implement technologies which create social as well as economic value in order to achieve a sustainable society. The same session also included a lively discussion on the future of technology and society.
AIST - Fraunhofer Workshop
August 24th, 2018
On Friday, August 24th, 2018, AIST hosted a joint workshop at AIST Tokyo Waterfront with Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG), with whom AIST has concluded a comprehensive Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). The theme of the workshop was, “Biological transformation in manufacturing: bio-inspired robotics/machines,” or the optimization of manufacturing processes through biology.
Participants from AIST included Dr. Ryoji Chubachi, President, Dr. Yasukazu Yoshida, Director General of AIST Tokyo Waterfront, Dr. Masaaki Mochimaru, Director of the Human Informatics Research Institute, and Dr. Kiyoyuki Chinzei, Deputy Director of the Health Research Institute, while the FhG delegation included Prof. Dr. Reimund Neugebauer, President, and the heads of various research institutes. There were speeches and presentations by the aforesaid participants as well as by representatives from companies with whom both AIST and FhG have collaborative relations. There were 40 persons in all who took part in the workshop which ended with a discussion and exchange of ideas session.
In his opening remarks, Dr. Chubachi highlighted the fact that the theme of the workshop is a new and breaking frontier that supports Industry 4.0, and that AIST is focused on technology creation by learning from nature, biological systems, and humans. To that end, Dr. Chubachi introduced AIST’s efforts toward introducing new functions such as sensor cognition, decision-making by AI, and human-like movements through the utilization of the technologies created.
In the discussion and exchange of ideas session, a lively debate was conducted on the importance of the formulation and handling of data for the purposes of research.
Participation in the 3rd High-level Conference of the STS Forum
May 17th, 2018
On May 17th, 2018, the 3rd High-level Conference cohosted by the STS (Science and Technology in Society) Forum, the European Parliament, and Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) took place in Brussels, Belgium. Leadings heads of government, industry and academia participated in this meeting, during which Dr. Chubachi, President of AIST, gave a presentation on “Climate and Energy” as part of the session on “Major challenges faced by Humankind” In his speach, Dr. Chubachi introduced AIST’s activities, such as the research and development at FREA, joint R&D with Japanese companies, and collaborative researches with overseas research institutions, as part of the movement to implement renewable energy both within Japan and abroad in climate change.
Dr. Chubachi further expressed his desire for existing collaborations with European institutions including Germany’s Fraunhofer, the European Commission’s Joint Research Center, and the Energy Research Centre of the Netherlands in the field of renewable energy to be strengthened with a view to contributing towards the suppression of climate change together.
AIST-ITRI R&D Collaboration Space Opening Ceremony and the 6th AIST-ITRI Joint Symposium
October 30th - 31st, 2017
The Opening Ceremony for the AIST-ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute, Taiwan)- R&D Collaboration Space, and the 6th AIST-ITRI Joint Symposium were held on October 30th and 31st, 2017. The delegation of 25 from AIST included Dr. Ryoji Chubachi, President, Dr. Koji Watari, Director-General of the Research and Innovation Promotion Headquarters, Dr. Takashi Usuda, Director-General of NMIJ (National Metrology Institute of Japan), and AIST researchers.
The R&D Collaboration Space, whose purpose is to strengthen research collaboration between both institutions, was created in recognition of a need for a new environment wherein researchers can be in close contact with one another on a daily basis at a location close to the research site. The Collaboration Space which was inaugurated at ITRI on October 30th is a counterpart to the one at AIST which opened on August 3rd of this year.
In his greeting remarks during the Opening Ceremony, Dr. Chubachi spoke of the goal for AIST and ITRI to promote joint projects involving both institutions as well as Japanese and Taiwanese companies, thereby contributing to industrial development and ultimately leading the world’s innovation together.
The AIST-ITRI Joint Symposium was held on October 31st, and in his opening remarks, Dr. Chubachi spoke of AIST’s desire to collaborate within a partnership with ITRI, who possesses a wealth of knowledge regarding business solutions and product development when implementing new technologies in society. With around 100 researchers from the fields of energy and environment, materials science, electronics and manufacturing, and metrology standards participating, the Joint Symposium was a fruitful function that will evolve into future collaborations.
Participation in the 6th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders and the STS Forum 14th Annual Meeting
September 30th - October 3rd, 2017
The 6th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders and the STS (Science and Technology in Society) Forum 14th Annual Meeting were held consecutively from September 30th through October 3rd, 2017, at Kyoto International Conference Center. The AIST delegation was headed by Dr. Ryoji Chubachi (President) and Dr. Satoshi Sekiguchi (Vice-President).
This year’s Global Summit, in which the heads of 20 research institutes from 12 countries and regions actively participated, focused on ways in which national research institutes could contribute to the attainment of sustainable society. In his speech at the beginning of the summit, Dr. Chubachi spoke of how, with its large network and consequent opportunity for concluding MOUs (memorandum of understanding) with other research institutes, the summit is an important platform for promoting international collaboration. This was followed by introductions of each of the participating research institute’s activities toward achieving a sustainable society. The participants debated the necessity for international, cross-sector collaboration with industries, governments and universities, in addition to collaboration among public research institutes, in order to realize a sustainable society. The final conclusions reached during the Summit were summarized as a joint statement.
The STS Forum 14th Annual Meeting was attended by over 1,000 persons from around 100 countries, regions and international organizations, and the participants from Japan included Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and Mr. Sadayuki Sakakibara, Chairman of KEIDANREN (Japan Business Federation). As a speaker for the session on “Research and Innovation”, Dr. Chubachi highlighted the growth brought about by the industrial revolution, as well as the negative aspects of same, and with FREA (Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST) as a case in point, demonstrated AIST’s mission to realize a low-carbon, recyclable, and nature symbiotic society, with a view to ultimately achieving a sustainable society. The session also included presentations by representatives from universities, companies and research institutes, and the application of science in society was actively discussed.
Renewal of the Comprehensive MOU with DBT India and Expansion of DAILAB
September 13th, 2017
On September 13th, 2017, Dr. Ryoji Chubachi, President of AIST, and Prof. Krishnaswamy VijayRaghavan, Secretary of the Department of Biotechnology (DBT), India, signed the renewed comprehensive MOU between AIST and DBT, as well as a joint research agreement to expand DBT-AIST International Laboratory for Advanced Biomedicine (DAILAB), in a ceremony which took place at India International Center (IIC).
DAILAB was established in accordance with the joint research agreement* concluded by AIST and DBT in 2013 with a view to improving cancer treatments and QOL. Currently, there are 7 locations throughout India, Sri Lanka and Japan, including the DBT-affiliated Regional Center for Biotechnology (RCB).
Under the new joint research agreement, with the enhancement of aforementioned functions, DAILAB will be upgraded to DAICENTER (DBT-AIST International Center for Translational & Environmental Research), to establish an international platform wherein DAILAB’s individual strengths may be fully utilized in a comprehensive manner. At the same time, the agreement will promote R&D with Japan and India’s industrial development in mind through the cultivation of young researchers in both countries.
*References: “Establishment of Japan-India Joint Research Laboratories“ Topics, October 3th, 2013
Participation in the 2nd EU-STS forum High-Level Conference
May 30th, 2017
The "2nd High Level Conference," hosted by the STS (Science and Technology in Society) Forum and the STOA (Science and Technology Options Assessment) panel of the European Parliament, took place in Brussels, Belgium on May 30th, 2017. Dr. Chubachi gave a keynote speech on "The Future of Mobility," in which he introduced AIST's efforts toward finding solutions for future mobility with industries in an integrated manner, by establishing AHFRC (Automotive Human Factors Research Center) as the center for next generation mobility research, and there shed light on driver characteristics.
Moreover, Dr. Chubachi expressed AIST's strong commitment toward demonstrating a hydrogen society by the Tokyo Olympic Games in 2020 by promoting R&D in secondary batteries for next-generation vehicles, hydrogen carriers, and recycling waste materials from automobiles to achieve low carbon and resource circulation in mobility.
Conclusion of a Research Framework Arrangement with the Joint Research Centre, European Commission
May 29th, 2017
On May 29th, 2017, Dr. Ryoji Chubachi, President of AIST, and Mr. Vladimir Šucha, Director General of the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission (EC-JRC), signed a Research Framework Arrangement in a ceremony at the European Commission headquarters in Brussels, with Mr. Shin Hosaka, Deputy Director General of METI in attendance.
As an EC subsidiary, JRC conducts research that contributes to European R&D and innovation. With headquarters in Brussels, as well as research laboratories, facilities and offices in 5 major European cities in Spain, Netherlands, Italy, Belgium and Germany. The center covers a wide range of research fields, namely, 1) agriculture and food safety, 2) economic and monetary union, 3) energy and transportation, 4) environment and climate change, 5) health and consumer protection, 6) information society, 7) innovation and development, 8) nuclear safety and security, 9) safety and risk management, and 10) standards.
As consequence of this agreement, research collaborations between both institutions are expected in a number of fields, including nanotechnology, chemical agents, metrology standards/measurement technology, and energy. In his speech, Dr. Chubachi expressed his strong commitment toward contributing to the cultivation of a sustainable society by fully utilizing the research potential each institute has at its disposal through their collaborative relations to date, and ultimately contribute to the strengthening and development of collaborative relations between Japan and Europe.
These proceedings were followed by a discussion on science and technology policies of EC and member nations, in which members of both institutes participated.
Conclusion of MOU with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI) in Hannover
March 19th, 2017
On March 19th, 2017, AIST President Dr. Ryoji Chubachi concluded a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Dr. Pascale Ehrenfreund and Mr. Bernhard Milow, President and Energy Program Director respectively of DLR (German Aerospace Center), as well as with Prof. Wolfgang Wahlster, CEO of DFKI (German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence) at the CeBIT IT trade fair in Hannover.
DLR is a government institute responsible for Germany's aviation technology and space exploration, and conducts R&D in aviation, space, energy, transportation and security. Thanks to the conclusion of this MOU, AIST and DLR will be conducting joint research in Thermoelectric conversion material technology and Lithium ion battery technology, in addition to the collaboration already underway with DLR in the energy field.
DFKI is a nonprofit limited company with capital contributions from both the public and private sectors. Its mission is to increase international competitiveness in artificial intelligence technology R&D. The conclusion of this MOU will serve as a starting point for R&D across a wide range of artificial intelligence technologies, including cognitive robotics engineering, i.e., human-robot communication.
With the conclusion of MOUs with DLR and DFKI, in addition to the one already concluded between AIST and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft (FhG), it is anticipated that collaborative relations between AIST and the eminent German research institutes will be strengthened, and will lead to further research cooperation in areas of mutual interest to both parties.
Concerning AIST’s Participation in the 5th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders and the STS Forum 13th Annual Meeting
October 1st - 4th, 2016
AIST President Dr. Chubachi, and Vice-Presidents Dr. Tsukuda and Dr. Yasunaga participated in the 5th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders, as well as the STS (Science and Technology in Society) Forum 13th Annual Meeting, both held at Kyoto International Conference Center from October 1st to October 4th, 2016.
Representatives of 20 research institutes from 11 countries participated in a lively discussion on “collaboration between Research Institutes and Industry for Tackling Societal Problems,” the theme for this year’s Global Summit. In his speech entitled, “Collaboration between AIST and industry,” Dr. Chubachi introduced new collaboration frameworks such as the Open Innovation Laboratory and the Cooperative Research Laboratory, as well as the role of Innovation Coordinators. Dr. Chubachi also spoke of the importance of cross-sector collaboration toward realizing a sustainable society. Introductions by the other participating research institutes on their respective positions and programs for collaborating with industries followed, and all parties agreed that research institutes and industries shall work together to promote further collaboration. The final conclusions reached during the summit have been summarized in a recommendation statement.
Over 1,000 persons from around 100 countries, regions and international organizations attended the STS Forum 13th Annual Meeting, and the Japanese participants included Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, Mr. Hiroshige Seko, Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry, and Mr. Sadayuki Sakakibara, Chairman of KEIDANREN (Japan Business Federation). As a speaker in the session on“Social Innovation for Sustainability,” Dr. Chubachi introduced the R&D activities at FREA (Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST) toward realizing a hydrogen society, as well as projects related to the upcoming Tokyo Olympics, both as examples of efforts toward cultivating a sustainable society. The session included presentations by representatives of universities, businesses and research institutes, as well as a lively discussion on innovation for a sustainable society.

Participation in STS Workshops and APMP-Mid Year Symposium
June 6th - 9th, 2016
President Dr. Ryoji Chubachi participated in the STS Forum India-Japan Workshop held at the Taj Palace, New Delhi, India on June 6th, 2016. Subsequently, on June 8th-9th, Dr. Chubachi attended the APMP(*)-Mid Year Symposium, and the STS Forum ASEAN-Japan Workshop that were severally held at the Dusit Thani Hotel in Bangkok, Thailand.
In the STS Forum India-Japan Workshop, which was co-hosted by the STS Forum and the Department of Science and Technology (DST) of India, Dr. Chubachi gave a speech as part of the session on innovation, science & technology cooperation between India and Japan. In it, he spoke of AIST’s establishment of a joint medical health research laboratory with India’s Department of Biotechnology (DBT), and further, that with the involvement of a Sri Lankan research institute, the joint research is developing into trilateral collaboration.
For the STS Workshop hosted by the STS (Science and Technology in Society) forum, Dr. Chubachi gave a speech entitled, “Open Innovation for Sustainable Development,” in which he introduced the activities of AIST’s Artificial Intelligence Research Center and FREA (Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST), where the latest equipment and facilities are maintained, and researchers from various sectors are gathered in one place for integrated research and development and policy design, as examples of AIST’s efforts toward more effective and efficient open innovation.
For the APMP-Mid Year Symposium, Dr. Chubachi gave a speech entitled, “Japanese Quality Culture and Its Role in Making “Made in Japan" a Symbol of Quality," in which he outlined the importance of measurement standards as technology development, education, measurement technologies, communication, etc. were contributory factors in establishing the worldwide position of products made in Japan.
In the STS Forum ASEAN-Japan Workshop, Dr. Chubachi gave a speech during a session entitled, “Innovation and Linkages: Collaboration between SMEs & Global Companies in the era of ASEAN Economic Community (AEC).” In it, he highlighted the need for ASEAN countries to aim for sustainable development, in which each member country achieves environmental integrity and safe, secure and affluent living in addition to industrial development, and that R&D in agricultural reform, food, medical care, environment, and so on, are vital for sustainable development. Dr. Chubachi further spoke of AIST’s desires to promote collaboration with ASEAN through R&D which utilizes AIST’s high research capabilities, technological potential, etc, industrial development that includes attracting businesses, and SME support.
*APMP (Asia Pacific Metrology Programme)
Founded in 1977, APMP aims to improve the level of measurement standards in the Asia Pacific region. Their activities during the 1980s focused on providing assistance to developing countries. Since the 1990s, however, activities toward ensuring global comparability of measurement standards have been an important task for APMP. 26 countries and 43 organizations from within the economic block are APMP members as of June 2016.
Participation in “Invest Japan Symposium in Brussels” and STS Workshop
May 8th, 2016
On May 8th, 2016, AIST President Dr. Ryoji Chubachi participated in the Invest Japan Symposium held at the Egmont Palace in Brussels, as well as in the STS Workshop held on the same day at the European Parliament.
Hosted by JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization), the Invest Japan Symposium was held to coincide with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe’s visit to Belgium. Amid the speeches by the Mayors of Kobe and Tsukuba, and the heads of leading Belgian companies, as well as by Prime Minister Abe as guest speaker, Dr. Chubachi gave a presentation entitled, “AIST, Japanese Leading Institute for Open Innovation,” in which he spoke concerning open innovation through collaboration with domestic and international research institutes and companies, with examples of cases wherein AIST is bridging S&T (science and technology) and industrialization.
For the STS Workshop hosted by the STS (Science and Technology in Society) forum, Dr. Chubachi gave a speech entitled, “Open Innovation for Sustainable Development,” in which he introduced the activities of AIST’s Artificial Intelligence Research Center and FREA (Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST), where the latest equipment and facilities are maintained, and researchers from various sectors are gathered in one place for integrated research and development and policy design, as examples of AIST’s efforts toward more effective and efficient open innovation.
Participation in the Japan-India Innovation Seminar
December 11th, 2015
The Japan-India Innovation Seminar, hosted by the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO), was held at the Taj Palace Hotel, New Delhi, India on December 11th, 2015. Dr. Chubachi (President) and Dr. Matsuoka (Vice-President) of AIST participated in the event, which was organized to coincide with the visit of Mr. Shinzo Abe, Prime Minister of Japan to India.
In the session entitled, “Japan-India Industrial Innovation, Changing the Global Picture!,” Dr. Chubachi gave an introductory presentation of AIST, which included an organizational overview, its role in society, and its collaborative activities with India.
There were additional sessions in this seminar on “Japan-India Science and Technology Cooperation,” and “Superior Japanese Infrastructure and Contribution to India,” with presentations by top executives of leading Japanese companies and research institutes. Moreover, Prime Minister Abe gave a speech as guest of honor during the closing session of the seminar.
On the day after the seminar, Dr. Chubachi was invited to a lunch reception hosted by the Prime Minister of India, where he conversed with Prime Ministers Abe and Modi. This was followed by a visit to—and discussions at—the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR).
7th VAST-AIST Workshop
November 12th, 2015
A workshop co-organized by AIST and the Vietnam Academy of Sciences (VAST) took place in Hanoi on November 12th, 2015.
Workshops between VAST and AIST have been held on a regular basis, ever since the two institutes concluded a comprehensive MOU in 2004. In this—the 7th—workshop, Dr. Masahiro Seto, Vice-President, and 14 researchers participated from AIST, and over 60 researchers and staff took part from VAST.
The water project (technologies for treatment of waist water and drinking water), ICT (imbedded systems, satellite data analysis technology), and geological sciences (sustainable management of the Mekong delta, etc.) were the main topics addressed in this workshop, with discussions centered around the research progress to date, and the direction for future collaborations. Both sides will continue to promote future collaborative research by reviewing the challenges and the order of importance to be addressed within each topic.
Moreover, Dr. Yoshiki Saito, Prime Senior Researcher, Research Institute of Geology and Geoinformation, Geological Survey of Japan, was awarded VAST’s campaign medal in the opening stages of the workshop, in recognition of his contribution to the development of science and technology as well as the cultivation of human resources in Vietnam.
Concerning the 4th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders And AIST’s Participation in the 12th Annual Meeting of the STS Forum 2015
October 3rd - 6th, 2015
The 4th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders, and the 12th annual meeting of the STS (Science and Technology in Society) forum was held at Kyoto International Conference Center from October 3rd through 6th, 2015. Dr. Chubachi (President), Dr. Seto (Vice-President), and Dr. Yasunaga(Vice-President) participated from AIST.
18 research institute leaders from 13 countries took part in this year’s Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders, the 4th of its kind, for active discussions on “Collaboration between Research Institutes and Universities for Tackling Societal Problems.” In his opening remarks, Dr. Chubachi spoke at length concerning the purpose of collaboration between research institutes and universities, part of the theme for this year’s summit, as well as on the importance of collaboration with universities for the creation of new industries and the resolution of societal challenges. Subsequently, each of the research institute leaders introduced the efforts by his/her respective institute to promote collaboration with universities. There were also active discussions on concrete policies toward finding solutions for collaboration with universities. Conclusions reached during the summit were compiled in a Joint Declaration.
In the days following the summit, over 1000 persons from 100 countries, regions and international organizations worldwide participated in the 12th annual meeting of the STS Forum. Participants from Japan included Mr. Abe, Prime Minister, Mr. Shimomura, Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, and Mr. Ueda, Vice-Minister for International Affairs, Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry. Dr. Chubachi chaired the session on New Manufacturing Technologies, where he questioned the speakers on the importance of, and challenges associated with manufacturers pursuing the needs of the users, and at the same time strive to cultivate a sustainable society. During this session, representatives from companies based in Japan and the U.S., as well as professors from universities in the UK and Hong Kong gave presentations on activities by their respective countries. There were also active discussions on new manufacturing technologies.

4th Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders |
Dr. Chubachi chairing the session on New Manufacturing Technologies during the 12th Annual STS Forum Meeting.
AIST-ITRI Joint Symposium 2015
June 15th, 2015
The 5th AIST-ITRI Joint Symposium was held at AIST Tsukuba Center on June 15th, 2015. 20 researchers from ITRI led by its Executive Vice President, Dr. Shuo-Hung Chang, and 20 participants from AIST including its president, Dr. Ryoji Chubachi, attended the symposium.
There were keynote presentations on advanced manufacturing from a Japanese company in addition to those given by both co-organizing institutions. A greater part of the afternoon was given over to parallel sessions on advanced manufacturing, batteries, thermoelectric materials, and photovoltaics.
Following the symposium, lab tours on intelligent systems, thermoelectric materials, photovoltaics, and battery technologies were given over a two-day period.

April 28th, 2015
The AIST-TISTR-NSTDA Joint Conference was held at AIST Tokyo Waterfront. 57 researchers and personnel from TISTR and NSTDA led by Mr. Yongvut Sauvapruk, Governor of TISTR, participated from Thailand, while Dr. Ryoji Chubachi (President), Dr. Masahiro Seto (Vice-President), Dr. Tetsuhiko Kobayashi (Vice-President), and around 40 researchers and personnel represented AIST. In addition to introducing each institute’s latest technologies, there were research presentations and discussions aimed not only at strengthening existing collaboration, but also establishing collaborative relations in new areas including biotechnology and environmental risk assessment. Opinions were also exchanged concerning specific methods and frameworks for collaboration in research management and technology transfer between the three institutes.
It should also be noted that, on April 27th, the date preceding that on which the conference was held, lab tours were conducted at AIST Tsukuba in four research fields, namely, life science, energy, metrology and measurement standards, and environment.

Concerning the 3rd Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders and Participation in the 11th STS Forum
October 4th – 7th, 2014
Dr. Ryoji Chubachi (President) and Dr. Masahiro Seto (Vice-President) of AIST were participants in the 3rd Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders, as well as the 11th Science and Technology in Society (STS) forum, both held at Kyoto International Conference Center from October 4th to the 7th, 2014.
In the 3rd Global Summit, with 15 research institute leaders from 12 countries taking part, there were active discussions concerning the cultivation of researchers and inter-organizational collaboration. Dr. Chubachi gave a speech on the methods of cultivating highly competent researchers, in which he highlighted the need for researchers to gain a wealth of experience, as well as for research institutes to collaborate closely with universities, and stressed the importance for cross-border collaboration among research institutes.
Over 1000 persons from 100 countries, regions and international organizations participated in the 11th STS forum, in which the Japanese representatives included such dignitaries as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe and the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Hakubun Shimomura. In the session entitled, “Science and Technology in Developing Countries,” Dr. Chubachi introduced AIST’s collaborations with developing countries with a focus on Green Innovation and Life Innovation. In his presentation, Dr. Chubachi also expressed certain opinions to the effect that the science and technology development in developing countries must not be limited solely to industrial development, but must contribute towards the realization of a sustainable society in harmony with nature and mankind.
The 3rd Global Summit of Research Institute Leaders |
Dr. Chubachi giving a speech during the 11th STS forum
Visit to Fraunhofer Institute, Germany, and Participation in the High Level Forum in France
September 2014
On the occasion of the visit by Dr. Ryoji Chubachi (President) and Dr. Masahiro Seto (Vice-President) of AIST to Germany, they met with Prof. Dr.-ing. Reimund Neugebauer, President of Fraunhofer Institute, visited 14 research institutes belonging to Fraunhofer, and engaged in an exchange of opinions with representatives from companies and regional governments.
Dr. Chubachi then traveled to France in order to take part in the High Level Forum held in Grenoble, along with Mr. Kenichi Ichihara, Mayor of Tsukuba City, Dr. Sukekatsu Ushioda, President of the National Institute for Materials Science (NIMS), Dr. Michiharu Nakamura, Chairman of the Tsukuba Global Innovation Promotion Agency, Dr. Akira Yoshikawa, Vice President of the University of Tsukuba, and Dr. Masaharu Nomura, Trustee of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization. The forum included a panel discussion on new strategies of organization and Impact of ICT transition.
Prof. Dr.-ing. Reimund Neugebauer, President of Fraunhofer Institute (left), and Dr. Ryoji Chubachi, President of AIST (right). |
Visiting Fraunhofer Institute for Applied Solid State Physics (IAF) |
High Level Forum; Panel Discussion |
Innovation Promotion Workshop with ITRI
June 30th - July 5th, 2014
An interactive workshop was conducted as part of a project whose purpose is to send young administrative staff members from AIST to overseas research institutes for them to personally exchange information and cultivate networks with their foreign counterparts with a view to strengthening AIST’s research support operations, improving the skills of staff members, and increasing employee motivation. Subsequent to the workshop conducted at CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation) of Australia in FY2013, 9 young administrative staff members from the Innovation Promotion Headquarters and the Public Relations Department of AIST, respectively, visited ITRI (Industrial Technology Research Institute) of Taiwan.
In this workshop, as well as obtaining information concerning relevant research management topics, including the research promotion strategies of ITRI, public relations activities, and management and utilization of IP, there were fruitful exchanges of opinions between corresponding departments of both institutes on mutual challenges being faced by ITRI and AIST.
(CAPTION:Dr. Masahiro Seto (Vice-President, AIST), Dr. Natsuko Sakai (Director, International Affairs Division, AIST), 陳聯泰 (Director, ITRI International Center), 邱華樑 (Director, ITRI Tokyo Office)、and Exchange Participants.
Participation in Innovation, Science and Technology Cooperation between ASEAN-Japan Workshop
May 16th, –2014
The Innovation, Science and Technology Cooperation between ASEAN-Japan Workshop, co organized by the STS (Science and Technology in Society) Forum, A*STAR (Agency for Science, Technology and Research) of Singapore, and JETRO (Japan External Trade Organization), was held at the Fusionopolis in Singapore.
Dr. Ryoji Chubachi, President of AIST, participated in the workshop, giving a speech on “The Regional Status and World Vision on Innovation”, in which he introduced examples of AIST’s world class innovation created through collaboration with ASEAN from the point of view of Green and Life innovations. In terms of Green Innovation, networks with overseas institutions with FREA (Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST) at its heart, as well as collaborations with Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam and Singapore aimed at the standardization and wide-spread utilization of biomass energy were introduced. For Life Innovation, collaboration with Indonesia on the development of natural rubber production technologies was introduced as an example of the development of new materials utilizing biotechnology.
Furthermore, in his speech, Dr. Chubachi commented on the importance of promoting human resource development and brain circulation among Asian research institutes in order to make the establishment of AEC (ASEAN Economic Community) a multi-layered undertaking, and that AIST is striving more than ever to accelerate human resource mobility.
The workshop in progress. |
AIST Innovation Workshop in Indonesia
December 20th, 2013
The AIST Innovation Workshop in Indonesia was held in Jakarta, Indonesia. There were around 200 participants in total, including 20 AIST researchers led by Dr. Ryoji Chubachi (President, AIST), Dr. Masahiro Seto (Vice-President), and Dr. Eikichi Tsukuda (Vice-President, AIST), as well as representatives from locally based Japanese companies and Indonesian research institutes and companies.
Beginning with the AIST Innovation Workshop in Thailand held the previous year, AIST has been conducting similar workshops abroad in order to strengthen collaborative relations with the world's leading public research institutes, and further, to include companies in said collaborative relations. The theme for this second Innovation Workshop was renewable energy.

Dr. Chubachi making the opening speech |
AIST exhibition booth
Japan-U.S. Clean Energy Technology Collaboration Workshop
December 13th, 2013
The Japan-U.S. Clean Energy Technology Collaboration Workshop was held at the California Campus of the Sandia National Laboratories.
Following the opening remarks by representatives of Japan's Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) and the U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), Dr. Akira Yabe (Vice-President, AIST) gave an overview presentation concerning the key research themes of the new Japan-U.S. Clean Energy Technology Collaboration Program which began in 2013, namely ‘Renewable Energy’ (Fukushima Renewable Energy Research Institute, AIST (FREA)), Photovoltaics, geothermal, hydrogen utilization systems, among others. Dr. Yabe's presentation also included an overview of the existing Japan-U.S. collaboration programs.
The workshop participants. |