


Figure 1 Structures of perfluoroalkane sulfonates


 日本国内が環境ホルモン問題で右往左往していた2000年5月、米国3M社は年間約3億ドル以上の減収にもかかわらず、PFOS (perfluorooctane sulfonate、パーフルオロオクタンスルホン酸塩)の使用中止を発表した。PFOSが高濃度で人や生物に蓄積し、広く環境中に残留していることが明らかになったためである。PFOSとはフッ素を含んだ人工有機フッ素化合物で、これからフッ素系のコーティング剤・界面活性剤・難燃剤等の関連化合物が合成される。特にコーティング剤としては家具・建築材や衣類等、多用途に莫大な量が過去数十年に渡り使用されてきた。

 PFOS関連化学物質については、過去2年間で25報以上の論文が国際誌に発表されているように、国外では非常に活発な研究活動が行われているのに対し、国内では平成12年度NEDO即効型産業技術研究「PFOS 関連物質の分析法確立・危険性評価に関する研究」以降、平成15年度地球環境研究推進事業「PFOS類の海洋環境動態研究手法の開発に関する予備的研究」が開始されるまで、ほとんど研究がなされていなかった。唯一、Kannan博士による国内血液試料の分析例があるが、現在まで国内汚染状況を把握する知見に乏しいため、本研究では日本におけるPFOS関連物質の「汚染マップ」作成と、リスク評価の必須情報である「生物濃縮係数 (BCF) : bioconcentration factor」の算出を試みた。

 本稿は最近の研究発表、ダイオキシン国際会議(Dioxin 2002, Barcelona, Spain, 2002)、ORGANOHALOGEN COMPOUNDS, 59, 311-314, 2002、日本分析化学会年会(札幌,2002)、平成12年度NEDO即効型産業技術研究報告「PFOS 関連物質の分析法確立・危険性評価に関する研究」、環境ホルモン学会第5回研究発表会(広島, 2002)、SETAC-Europe (Hamburg, 2003), PFOA Workshop (Hamburg, 2003)他の一部を抜粋したものである。









Blood and Liver of bird, fish, surface seawater and human blood were analyzed in this study. Forty four blood and eleven liver samples of fish and thirteen surface sea water samples were analyzed and these were collected from Tokyo Bay, Osaka Bay, Lake Biwa, Seto Inland Sea, Ariake Bay, and Okinawa in Japan (Figure 3) during March-June, 2002. Human blood and sera were collected from Japanese citizens (n=3, age: 25~36) in June, 2002. Extraction procedures for blood, liver and water are presented elsewhere15).

Contamination of PFOS in Japan
◇ PFOS was found in blood and livers of all fishes and surface water from Japan.
◇ Concentrations of PFOS in blood of fishes ranged from 2 to 834 ng/mL, and in the order of
Lake Biwa (Ave.=345ng/mL)> Tokyo Bay (172) > Osaka Bay (100) > Seto Inland Sea (29) > Ariake Bay (28) > Okinawa (10).
◇ The greatest concentration PFOS in surface water was found in Tokyo Bay at 59 ng/L, and in the order of
Tokyo Bay (Ave.=26ng/L) > Osaka Bay (12)> Ariake Bay (9.0)> Lake Biwa (7.4) > Seto Inland Sea (<4.3).
◇ PFHS was detected in some fishes and surface water samples.
◇ The greatest concentration of PFHS was found 121ng/mL in blood of flat fish from Tokyo Bay.
◇ PFBS was not found in any samples.

Figure 3 Spatial distribution of PFOS in fish [ng/mL] and surface water [ng/L] from Japan.

Comparison PFOS with the other pollutants in Japan
◇ Concentrations of PFOS in blood of fishes were comparable to those of PCBs and 10,000 times higher than those of PCDDs and PCDFs.
◇ Concentrations of PFOS in surface water were similar to those of PAH and much more higher than those of PCBs, PCDDs and PCDFs.
◇ PFOS concentrations in blood of fishes were approximately 10 times higher than those in Japanese human blood.

Comparison Japan with US
◇ Concentrations of PFOS in Japanese fishes were similar to those in some fishes from the Great Lakes region of the US.
◇ Concentrations of PFOS in surface water of Tokyo Bay were similar to those reported for the Tennessee River in the US.
◇ PFOS concentrations in Japanese sera were similar to American.

Figure 4 Concentrations of perfluoroalkane sulfonates and the other pollutants in Japan and US 3),4),7)~10).

Bioconcentration Factor (BCF) of PFOS in fish
◇ Log BCF of PFOS ranged from 3.1 to 4.3 in Tokyo Bay.
◇ BCF of PFOS was similar to those of PCDDs and PCDFs.
◇ BCF of PFOS in Tokyo Bay was similar to or less than those in Etobocoke Creek, a contaminated area in the Canada.

These results provide the first evidence of occurrence of PFOS in fishes, surface water and human blood in Japan and that the concentrations are comparable to those in the US. Of the three perfluoroalkane sulfonates monitored, PFOS was the most predominant fluorochemicals in the tissues analyzed. The situation of PFOS pollution in Japan supposes to be similar to those of PCBs and/or PAHs. Quantitative bioaccumulation of PFOS in fish from surface water was made clear in this study. Considering the necessity to perform comprehensive survey of PFOS and related compounds to understand the mechanisms of human exposure and environmental fate of PFOS in Japan, the second national research project "Development of comprehensive risk database for PFOS related compounds" will start in 2003 by AIST(EMTECH) and NIAH supported by Ministry of Environment.

1) B. D. Key et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1997, 31, 2445-2454
2) G. W. Olsen et al. J. Occup. Environ. Med. 1999, 41, 799-806
3) K. J. Hansen et al. Environ. Sci. Tecnol. 2001, 35, 766-770
4) J. P. Giesy et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2001, 35, 1339-1342
5) K. Kannan et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2001, 35, 3065-3070
6) K. Kannan et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2002, 36, 2566-2571
7) Environment Agency JAPAN Chemicals in the Environment 2000 2001
8) T. Sakurai et al. Chemosphere 2000, 40, 627-640
9) K. J. Hansen et al. Environm. Sci. Tecnol. 2002, 36, 1681-1685
10) N. Yamashita et al. Organohalogen Compounds 1998, 39, 389-392
11) C. A. Moody et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 2002, 36, 545-551
12) X. Lu et al. Chemosphere 2000, 41, 1675-1688
13) R. W. Gale et al. Environ. Sci. Technol. 1997, 31, 178-187
14) D. Mackay Environ. Sci. Technol. 1982, 16, 274-278
15) S. Taniyasu et al., ORGANOHALOGEN COMPOUNDS, 59, 311-314, 2002


産業技術総合研究所 環境管理研究部門 環境計測グループ 山下信義