AIST has been implementing the “Program for Promoting Technologies Invented by Industries in Disastered Areas in Tohoku ” (Seeds Support Program) since FY2013. FREA provides technical support for the seeds (technology-driven solutions) related to renewable energy for the companies in the areas (Fukushima, Miyagi, and Iwate Prefectures) that tremendously damaged by the Great East Japan Earthquake.
Results and Major Successful Cases
From FY2013 to FY2015, FREA has supported 63 cases (for 33 companies) in total. Now the program is in the stage of generating successful results. By September 2015, two companies succeeded in commercializing their products (“Neoale” solar cell string monitoring system and “Bypass Diode Checker” in following figures), and in other four cases, the products are to be commercialized soon.
Solar cell string monitoring system
It is a device that measures current and voltage of a solar module. This was manufactured as a monitoring and generated power recovery device for a photovoltaic generation plant in support of AIST.
Bypass Diode Checker
Bypass Diode Checker has been commercialized with the AIST's technical support as a device that can detect open failure of bypass diode of the photovoltaic module. To avoid impact on photovoltaic power generation, inspection of the bypass circuit will be carried out during the night. This device will contribute to enhance the soundness and safety of photovoltaic power system. |