The 2nd Asia Renewable Energy Workshop (AREW) was held in the headquarters of BPPT in Jakarta, Indonesia on December 2 - 4, 2015. This workshop was jointly sponsored by BPPT
*, New Energy Foundation(NEF) as well as METI
** and AIST, and supported by ASEAN Centre for Energy(ACE), and Japan Coal Energy Development(JCED).
240 people attended this three-day workshop, representing governments, research agencies, universities, and companies from nine countries including ASEAN countries and Japan.
At the workshop, development status were reported from the attended countries and agencies related to renewable energy. We exchanged information about Japanese companies' renewable energy business in accordance with the local energy situation, climate and economic conditions of ASEAN region.
And we discussed on the critical issues for accelerating expansion of renewable energy in ASEAN countries and Japan. They include conservation of environments (rain forests etc.), sustainable development and utilization of renewable energy sources, exchange and building of human resources, and prevention of global warming.
On December 4, a technical visit to Kamojang Geothermal Power Plant in the outskirts of Bandung was held. This power plant, recently expanded to 230MW, is a facility of PT. Pertamina Geothermal Energy run by the state of Indonesia.
Participants from AIST are:
Dr. Yoshiro Owadano (Director-General of FREA)
Dr. Shigeru Niki (Director of RENRC)
Dr. Kinya Sakanishi (Deputy Director-General of FREA)
Dr. Kasumi Yasukawa (Principal Research Manager of RENRC)
Dr. Tetsuya Kogaki (Leader of Wind Power Team, RENRC)
Mr. Keiichi Sakaguchi (Innovation Coordinerter of FREA)
Dr. Masayuki Sagisaka (Invited Senior Researcher, Research Institute of Science for Safety and Sustainability,
Advanced LCA Research Group)
Dr. Toshihiro Uchida (Innovation Coordinator, Geological Survey of Japan)
*: Badan Pengkajian dan Penerapan Teknologi (Agency for the Assessment and Application of Technology)
**: Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry

Atendees of the 2nd AREW at BPPT

Kamojang Geothermal Power Plant |

Group photo