State Minister for Reconstruction, Visits Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST
On Thursday February 1st, 2018, Masayoshi Hamada, State Minister for Reconstruction, toured Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST in Koriyama City, Fukushima Prefecture.
Welcome remarks by Yukinobu Miki, Senior Vice-President of AIST, preceded introductory overviews of both AIST and FREA by Tomomi Yamazaki, Deputy Director in Tokyo of the Planning Headquaters, and Masaru Nakaiwa, Director-General of FREA.
Following these formalities, State Minister Hamada proceeded to laboratory tour, and was told about the Program for Promoting Technologies Invented by Industry in Disaster Areas in Tohoku* by a local company (Nippon Kernel System Co., Ltd.) who developed a product through this support program. Next, Hirohide Furutani, Director of the Renewable Energy Research Center, explained various research themes in the Renewable Energy Demonstration Field, as well as the activities such as tests and evaluations of large power conditioners being conducted in the Smart System Research Facility.
*Program for Promoting Technologies Invented by Industry in Disaster Areas in Tohoku: Provides support for commercializing renewable energy related technologies and know-how held by companies located in the three prefectures struck by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami (Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate prefectures). http://www.fukushima.aist.go.jp/seeds/index.html (*This site is available only in Japanese.)

State Minister Hamada (right) listening to an explanation of a product developed by a local company. |

State Minister Hamada (center) listening to an explanation in the Smart System Research Facility’s electromagnetic wave anechoic chamber.
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