Mr. Hiromichi Watanabe, Minister for Reconstruction, visited Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA).
On December 19, 2018, Mr. Hiromichi Watanabe, Minister for Reconstruction toured FREA.
Welcome remarks by Ryoji Chubachi, President of AIST, and Tetsuhiko Kobayashi, Vice-President of AIST, spoke introductory overviews of AIST. Following these formalities, Dr. Masaru Nakaiwa, Director-General of FREA, gave overviews of FREA.
After that, Minister Watanabe proceeded to laboratory tour. Two local companies; Kankyo System Yamano Co. Ltd and INFINI Co. Ltd (as Fukushima Factory), explained at the lobby in the Main Building about the product under development through Program for Promoting Technologies Invented by Industry in Disaster Areas in Tohoku*.
Then, Dr. Hirohide Furutani, Director of the Renewable Energy Research Center (RERC), introduced the main activities in the Outdoor Demonstration Field including the hydrogen-related facilities.
Finally, Dr. Yusaku Yano, Director General of Geological Survey of Japan, AIST, explained the research on geothermal energy and shallow geothermal heat.
*We provide support for commercializing renewable energy related technologies and know-how held by companies located in the three prefectures struck by the 2011 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami (Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate prefectures). (*This site is available only in Japanese.)
Minister Watanabe listening to an explaining by INFINI about the product under development. |
Minister Watanabe(middle of front) listening to an explaining by Dr. Furutani in the Outdoor Demonstration Field. |