Minister for Reconstruction Mr. Tsuyoshi Takagi, and State Minister for Reconstruction Kaneshige Wakamatsu, Visited FREA
On July 31, 2016, Tsuyoshi Takagi, the Minister for Reconstruction, and Kaneshige Wakamatsu, the State Minister for Reconstruction, visited FREA. After a greeting and an explanation of FREA, the visitors toured the research facility, and were explained on the Renewable Energy Demonstration Field, Energy Control Building, and outlines of various research themes. Next, they visited testing and evaluation facilities for large power conditioners in the Smart System Research Facility, as well as the production line for thin-crystalline silicon solar cells in another experimental building. In the end, they visited an exhibition at FREA’s entrance hall to see examples of achievements of Seeds Support Program* and other joint research with local companies.
*Program for Promoting Technologies Invented by Industry in Disaster Areas of Tohoku: Offers support for commercialization of technologies and know-how related to renewable energy of companies located in the three prefectures (Fukushima, Miyagi and Iwate) affected by the Great East Japan Earthquake.(

Minister for Reconstruction Takagi (Center) and State Minister for Reconstruction Wakamatsu (Right) Listening to Explanations in Energy Control Building |

Explanation in Smart System Research Facility

Explanation of Seeds Support Program by showing Prototype of Mounting Brackets Developed by Local company for Thin PV Modules
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