Smart System Research Facility Opening Ceremony
FREA held an opening ceremony for the Smart System Research Facility, started operation from April 1, 2016. A total of 109 people, invited from the government, local government bodies, and the industries attended. In the ceremony, congratulatory speeches were given by State Minister Takagi of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, State Minister Wakamatsu of the Reconstruction Agency (represented by Director Tatani of the Fukushima Bureau of Reconstruction and Revitalization, Reconstruction Agency), Governor Uchibori of Fukushima Prefecture, Mayor Shinagawa of Koriyama City, and Chairman Yamanishi of the Smart Community Alliance. After the ceremony, a tour of the facility were held followed by short lecture where speakers from industries told expectations and prospects for the use of new facility. After this,networking reception was held among relevant parties. In the future, all parties related to this new research falitity will try their best for further expanding of renewable energy, promoting overseas activities of Japanese manufactures of power conditioners and accelerating coordination with local companies, etc.

Opening Speech: AIST President Ryoji Chubachi |

Inside the Japan’s Largest Electromagnetic wave anechoic chamber |

Introductory Speech by Director-General Owadano |

Tape-cutting Ceremony by Guests |

Smart System Research Facility Grid Connection Testing Room |

Lecture at FREA Hall |
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