Committee on New Industry and Technology of Japan Business Federation (Keidanren), visited Fukushima Renewable Energy Institute, AIST (FREA).
On Friday September 14, 2018, members of Committee on New Industry and Technology of Keidanren (Chair:Mr.Tadashi Onodera, Senior Corporate Advisor of KDDI Corporation), toured FREA.
Welcome remarks by Ryoji Chubachi, President of Aist, and Tetsuhiko Kobayashi, Vice-President of AIST, spoke introductory overviews of AIST. Following these formalities, Dr. Masaru Nakaiwa, Director-General of FREA, gave overviews of FREA, and Dr. Hirohide Furutani, Director of the Renewable Energy Research Center, explained research details in FREA.
Keidanren members separated in 3 groups received explanation about research activities in the Outdoor Demonstration Field and the Energy Control Building. Then followed by laboratory tour upon Smart System Research Facility, Pure Hydrogen Experiment Building including a hydrogen-storage system using metal hydride, MCH* manufacturing at Hydrogen Energy Carrier Demonstration Building, High-Performance PV Modules Pilot Line for Thin Crystalline Silicon Solar Cells, and so on.
After the tour, Natsuko Sakai, Deputy Director- General of Research and Innovation Promotion Headquarters of AIST, introduced the collaboration between AIST and companies. Finally, all the participants discussed potential collaboration between FREA and committee members.
*MCH(Methylcyclohexane): Organic compound containing 6wt% hydrogen, which is liquid at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. One liter of MCH can store 500 L of hydrogen gas.
Mr. Onodera(the 4th person from the left) listening to an explaining by Dr.Kinya Sakanishi, Deputy Director-General of FREA, in the Energy Management Bldg. |
Keidanren members listening to an explaining by Dr.Tetsuya Namba, Chief Senior Researcher of Department of Energy and Environment Renewable Energy Research Center Hydrogen Energy Carrier Team, in the Outdoor Demonstration Field. |